Rimar Joe Reynado
Rimar Joe Reynado, also known as “Jake”, is a computer technician by profession and a holder of Teaching Methodology Certificate Level I and National Certificate Level II under Computer Hardware Servicing under the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), the government agency in charge of middle manpower development in the Philippines. He became totally blind last 2010 and was just exposed to the blind community since 2016 through ATRIEV. Currently He is one of ATRIEV’s trainers and the organization’s part-time technician and website manager.
He loves playing computer games, reading books and articles about the advancement of technology, and watching Anime’ videos. His friends find him funny with a good sense of humor. Jake also loves to be surrounded by people with positivity.
For this manual, Jake wrote the module on Basic Troubleshooting and Security. As a trainer, he is not just teaching but also still continuously learning. Through ATRIEV, he was able to inspire others and share his knowledge to his fellow visually impaired.