Basic ICT for SPED – Windows

Course Description
A six-day online training of trainers that aims to equip them with attitude, skills and knowledge about Windows computers in tandem with Non-Visual Desktop Access (NVDA), Microsoft Word and Internet through demonstration and hands-on exercises.
Course Qualifications
Participants of this course should be one of the following:
- Teachers
- Professors
- Rehabilitation workers
- Leaders of organizations/ institutions
- Technical vocational instructors
- School and faculty heads or members
- Parents/guardian of blind children and
- other professionals
Course Content
Teach your VI learners how to:
- Navigate their computers with Non-Visual Desktop Access (NVDA) and Windows commands
- Type with the home row keys
- Manage files and folders
- Edit and format text using MS Word
- Search the internet with single letter navigation and element’s list
Join Us
Learn from our visually impaired trainers at the comforts of your home. Interact with other passionate teachers like you. Be surprise of what your visually impaired learner can achieve through assistive technology.