Partners in sight, Partners in Deed

Twenty-five years ago, one blind pastor had a vision of using technology so that blind people can lead better lives. So he started a computer training in DOS right in his own backyard which eventually was institutionalized as Adaptive Technology for the Rehabilitation, Integration and Empowerment of the Visually Impaired Incorporated also known by its nickname ATRIEV.

ATRIEV has lasted and endured because of its valuable friends and partners who were recognized during the modest celebration of ATRIEV’s silver founding anniversary held on November 26, 2019 at the Marikit Function room of One Shangrila Place, Mandaluyong City.

Dubbed as “25 Years of Creating Vision Beyond Sight; Be our Partners in Sight, Partners in Deed”, ATRIEV gave due recognition to the following:


Microsoft-ATRIEV Partnership Through the Years

Since the very beginning way back 1999, we were already using Microsoft applications with a screen reader program because we knew right then that technology will be the key for blind people to be independent. It was through the Microsoft programs which we were able to provide training and open the doors for a visually […]

Christofel Blendin Mission

Christoffel Blinden-Mission (CBM)

CBM is an international development organization committed to improving the quality of life of people with disabilities in the poorest countries of the world. CBM addresses poverty as a cause and consequence of disability and works in partnership with local development organization to create an inclusive society for persons with disability. In 2003, CBM provided […]

NORFIL Foundation

Liliane Fonds of The Netherlands with NORFIL Foundation’s Partnership for Inclusive Development (PFID) as Strategic Partner

The Liliane Fonds of the Netherlands aims at giving children and youngsters with disabilities, up to 25 years, in developing countries to enable them to participate and count in their community. NORFIL Foundation is the Strategic Partner Organization (SPO) of the Liliane Fonds in the Philippines under the Partnerships for Inclusive Development (PFID) team. As […]

University of the Philippines

University of the Philippines, College of Education

The UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES, the country’s National University, has partnered with ATRIEV through the UP College of Education, Diliman campus. Aware of technology’s role in the education of persons with disabilities, special education students of the UP College of Education participate in ATRIEV’s Basic ICT for SPED Teachers training so that they will be […]

One Meralco Foundation

One Meralco Foundation

One Meralco Foundation (OMF) is the social development arm of Meralco. OMF undertakes various projects for the upliftment of disadvantaged sectors within the Meralco franchise areas. In the Christmas of 2018, OMF launched “Kita-Kita Ngayong Pasko” an employee giving project to support ATRIEV’s programs. Among the programs supported by One Meralco Foundation are nationwide teacher […]