Liliane Fonds of The Netherlands with NORFIL Foundation’s Partnership for Inclusive Development (PFID) as Strategic Partner
The Liliane Fonds of the Netherlands aims at giving children and youngsters with disabilities, up to 25 years, in developing countries to enable them to participate and count in their community. NORFIL Foundation is the Strategic Partner Organization (SPO) of the Liliane Fonds in the Philippines under the Partnerships for Inclusive Development (PFID) team. As an SPO, NORFIL provides financial and technical support to local non-profit and people’s organizations supporting children and youth with disabilities.
In 2007, Liliane Fonds gave support to 25 ATRIEV trainees. To date, Liliane through NORFIL Foundation, has provided tuition and dormitory sponsorships to more than 400 blind trainees. NORFIL has also given support to the training of over 500 teachers in the use of assistive technology as a teaching and learning tool.
NORFIL Foundation was ably represented by JonalynGalamgam, Program assistant, Partnerships for inclusive development.