Christoffel Blinden-Mission (CBM)
CBM is an international development organization committed to improving the quality of life of people with disabilities in the poorest countries of the world. CBM addresses poverty as a cause and consequence of disability and works in partnership with local development organization to create an inclusive society for persons with disability.
In 2003, CBM provided ATRIEV a five-year grant that jump-started ATRIEV’s formal organizational set-up. Through the CBM grant, ATRIEV established a six-person full-time staff which assured the quality delivery of its services. CBM continues to provide salary support to ATRIEV staff as well as support to training, employment efforts and disability inclusive orientation projects.
CBM was ably represented by Ms. Erly Ocasiones, Program Manager, CBM Country Office Philippines and Ms. Julie Ann Nery, Livelihood cluster Field Coordinator.