Lourdes Borgonia

Lourdes “Des” Borgonia is a native of Cagayan Valley. Though totally blind, Des is one of the pioneering blind graduates of E-Commerce Systems Development of STI, one of the leading IT schools during the ‘90s. She worked in ATRIEV as a training instructor for six years and consequently, appointed as ATRIEV’s webmaster in 2005 when ATRIEV and Des received the “disabled friendly” website award conferred by the Commission on Information Communications Technology (now the Department of Information and Communications Technology).
Though she loved working at ATRIEV and sharing her life with her fellow visually impaired, Des had no choice but to leave the organization to work in a corporate world for three years. Knowing her mission, however, she resigned from her post as a business development officer of a private firm and ATRIEV rehired her in 2016. She now serves as the program coordinator, in charge of the implementation of the various programs of ATRIEV. For this manual Des wrote the introductory module ON Windows BASICS.
Des is one of the founders and core members of the Philippine Web Accessibility Group, and an active family member of Christ the True foundation Christian Ministry. Des enjoys reading, writing journals and daily reflection from the Bible, and serving God through her church’s ministries.